3 Etiquette Hacks That Will Make Your Life Easier

3 Etiquette Hacks That Will Make Your Life Easier

Dear Readers,

Etiquette is a multifaceted world of rules, tips, and tricks that help us be more respectful toward our surroundings. Some rules are essential to follow if we wish to live in a safe and considerate society, while others are simply nice to observe - especially if we aim to refine our manners further.

In today’s newsletter, I’m getting practical and sharing my top three etiquette hacks that you can apply on any occasion:

Etiquette Hack No. 1: HOW TO CHILL WINE FASTER? 🥂
Serving wine at the wrong temperature can ruin even the most expensive bottle. Fortunately, there’s a simple trick to cool wine quickly and efficiently. All you need is an ice bucket, ice, a cup of water, and - surprisingly - a pinch of salt.

Mix these ingredients together and place the bottle into the bucket. The water allows the cold to reach the bottle more efficiently, while the salt lowers the freezing point, making the ice melt faster and creating an ultra-chilled environment. Your wine will be perfectly cool in half the time!

Etiquette Hack No. 2: HOW TO KEEP WATER FRESH? 💧
If you’re serving water in a carafe, fill it just before serving and avoid letting it sit on the table for more than 15 minutes. When water sits in an open carafe for too long, it begins to oxidise, causing tiny air bubbles to form along the glass. (And no, these aren’t the good bubbles you find in sparkling water!) While harmless, they can make the water look less fresh.

When making introductions, always say the name of the more important person first. I understand that determining "ranking" can be tricky, but here’s a simple guide:

In business settings, follow the hierarchy. Introduce a client to your boss by saying, “Mr. Smith (boss), I’d like you to meet our client, Ms. Johnson.”

At family gatherings, the "more important" person is usually the older one: “Grandfather (older), I’d like you to meet my friend Timothy (younger).”

I hope you find these tips helpful - etiquette can be fun when taken with a pinch of salt (not just in the ice bucket!).

Wishing you a lovely day,

Yours sincerely,

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Struggling with etiquette in social or professional settings? THE GRACE GUIDE is your bespoke solution - tailored advice crafted just for you. Whether you're preparing for a formal event, a career milestone, or simply refining your presence, this custom etiquette plan will equip you with the confidence and grace to shine.

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🎁 Bonus: Ebook Katarina’s Guide to Western Dining Etiquette for FREE

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