Dear Readers,
We just entered the second month of the year, and many of us associate February with Valentine’s Day. I won’t lie - Valentine’s Day has become quite commercial over the years, with advertisements and special offers rolling in from every corner.
On the other hand, while love shouldn’t have a date attached to it, surprising our significant others with a thoughtful gift is always a wonderful idea. It’s a chance to show appreciation and create a meaningful moment, whether or not you’re a fan of the holiday itself.
Chocolates and flowers are timeless classics that never fail to delight, but sometimes it’s the unexpected and personal touches that leave the deepest impression.
Ten days before the big V-Day, I’m sharing my top 4 Unusual Gift Ideas you can gift (or prepare) for your significant other to make this year’s celebration of love a bit out of the ordinary:
Oftentimes, we tend to go big on planning the perfect gift for our partner while forgetting that giving a gift that can be enjoyed together, as a couple, could be much more valuable. In today’s hectic world, quality time spent together is scarce, so booking a private cooking class, pottery workshop, or wine tasting can create lasting memories and deepen your bond.
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: personalisation adds a special touch to every gift as it creates a sense of uniqueness. Depending on your partner’s style, you can invest in a piece of jewellery, a silk scarf, or a leather card holder with engraved initials, a meaningful date, or a sweet message to encapsulate your feelings.
With smell being the most intense of all senses, a perfume represents a very personal choice tied to many memories. If you wish to surprise your partner, you can visit a trusted perfume house and have a personalised scent made. I advise bringing along the current perfume your partner uses and building the new scent around similar ingredients to ensure your significant other falls in love with it.
This one can be a bit tricky as it might seem cheesy to those who aren’t big on romantic gestures. However, if your partner is a true romantic, you can search online for the star constellation map of how the sky looked on the day you met, the day you got married, or any other special date. Bonus points if you turn the images into a little pocket book that can be appreciated at any time.
Love should be an emotion expressed every day, not just on the 14th of February, but with a little something, one can make sure the day will be truly special.
Please remember that a gift doesn’t need to be very expensive to count, as what truly matters is the love and care behind your gesture.
Wishing you a wonderful Valentine’s Day - however you wish to celebrate it.
Yours sincerely,
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