Where Does the Word 'Etiquette' Come From? 🤔

Where Does the Word 'Etiquette' Come From? 🤔

Dear readers,

As I am currently attending the Summer University program at the International University of Monaco, I keep gathering new knowledge by the minute.

In today’s class, we dived into the realms of social and business etiquette, but before doing so, our teachers asked us a very simple question:
Where did the word etiquette come from?

It is questions like these that make me realise the importance of understanding the basics first, so we can then build a solid foundation on top of them.

If you think about it, the word etiquette is a homonym (a word with the same spelling but different meanings). Etiquette refers to both a code of conduct for respectful behaviour and a label or a tag. In French, the word 'étiquette' directly translates as a label marking something, such as a label on a bottle of wine.


I’ve always thought that these words coincidentally carry the same spelling but different meanings, but as I learned today, this is not the case. After all, there are no coincidences, so they say.

The origin of etiquette as a code of conduct dates back to the 17th century, when the French king Louis XIV wished to teach some good manners to his fellow noblemen. As they resided in the vast and lavish Palace of Versailles, it was challenging to communicate the rules to every single member of the Royal Court (where is WhatsApp when you need it 😀), so instead, he started placing labels (etiquettes) around the palace.

These had simple rules written on them, such as 'Do not walk on the grass' or 'Do not blow your nose while we are dining'. As the king was a highly respected figure, the members of the Royal Court slowly but surely obeyed and started following the 'etiquettes'. 

It didn’t take long for the term to settle and become a customary code of polite behaviour for everyone to follow. 

Nowadays, etiquette has developed into a much wider and flexible term covering spheres like business, various social settings or dining, but in its core, the goal stays the same - to remain respectful towards those who surround us. 

Yours sincerely,

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Do you wish to become confident at any dining venue and navigate every culinary occasion with ease? Let me teach you dining etiquette from A to Z in my practical ebook! As a bonus, you will receive a FREE guide on how to tame tricky foods such as shrimp, oysters or escargot

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