Why We Cannot Escape Etiquette – Even If We Try

Why We Cannot Escape Etiquette – Even If We Try

Dear Readers,

Lately (okay, since I have started posting on social media, to be more precise), I’ve been receiving quite a few
hate comments and messages from people trying desperately to convince me that etiquette is pointless, outdated, and that they will “do whatever they want anyway.”

It always makes me giggle a little - because the very same people who claim they will never use etiquette may have unknowingly used it multiple times today.

Many assume etiquette is just about knowing how to hold a fork properly, but in reality, it stretches into our everyday lives in ways we barely notice. Have you held the door open for someone today? That’s etiquette for you. Have you said “good morning” when entering the office? That’s etiquette. Have you waited for someone to exit a shop before stepping in? That’s etiquette too.

Some etiquette rules are voluntary, like choosing the correct fork at a formal dinner. Others, however, are essential for a functioning society. We rely on unspoken courtesies to coexist harmoniously - imagine a world where no one followed basic social rules. It would be chaotic, if not unlivable.

What people often fail to realise is that etiquette is not about rigid rules meant to exclude or shame anyone - it’s about respect, consideration, and making social interactions smoother and more pleasant. When we dismiss etiquette as irrelevant, we risk dismissing the very principles that foster kindness, patience, and mutual understanding in our daily lives.

Think about the last time someone let you go ahead in line at the grocery store, or when a stranger gave you a polite smile on a tough day. These small gestures, deeply rooted in etiquette, create a ripple effect of positivity that makes the world a better place. Without these small acts of consideration, life would feel much colder and less connected.

I rarely get myself to answer hateful comments as I know a constructive dialogue is not what these people are seeking, but it does amuse me to think that even the most vocal critics of etiquette have relied on it unknowingly. Whether they like it or not, etiquette is woven into our daily life, and we simply cannot escape it.

So the next time someone insists that etiquette is outdated and useless, remind them that they, too, are participants in the unspoken dance of social grace - whether they realise it or not.

Wishing you a beautiful day filled with small kind gestures that make etiquette.

Yours sincerely,

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